Build a Satelite Location with Heroes

Honor Heroes, Fortify Families and Celebrate Freedom in your location and context.
How it works
Becoming a HEROES Satelite offers the opportunity to build a business, shape a culture and invest in a better future.

We are currently seeking franchises in all 50 states of the US. Priority locations include: Texas, California, Florida, Virginia, Hawaii and Alaska.

Homesteading is one model form, and you can develop a unique model for your site location.

  • 1- Submit Initial Interest Form for Building a Satelite Location

  • 2- Schedule Intial Zoom Appointment

    This is where our development team will follow up with your Initial Interest. We will explain the Heroes ethos and mission, and ask some follow up questions as well. This is a great opportunity for you to get your intial questions answered as well.

  • 3- Development Team Interview & Site Visit

    Heroes Board of Directors and the Development Team will conduct an interview. Based on the outcome, a strategy plan will be developed and necessary documents, site visits and others determined by the committee will be establishe.

  • 4- Final Determination

    Members of the Board, advised by the Development Team, will establish a final determination of establishing a franchise or denying the application. Approved applicants will develop a detailed coaching plan and launch strategy with an assigned mentor.

Heroes Homestead History
Creating a community that feels and acts as family, to establish roots and support for our veterans throughout all 50 states.

Heroes Homestead is a 501 (c)3 organization based out of Washington. Established in 2018, the brand and corporation has developed effective outreach to fortify military and veteran families.

  • Heroes Journal (2021)
  • Heroes Market (2023)
  • Freedom Fest, Heroes Silkies Walk, Victory Garden
  • Heroes Family Camp and Retreats
  • Beyond the Uniform Peer Groups (2023)

Key elements of all programs are to Honor Heroes, Fortify Families and Celebrate freedom. We seek to move veterans from grief and mourning and guilt, into realizing their best future, claiming their finances and relationships and working to achieve their dreams. We give permission to celebrate and enjoy this life beyond their time in uniform. We also seek to help the nation, civilians, their immediate and extended family to understand the culture and development within the veteran. To see beyond disabilities and to see the strengths and understand the changes that occur in humans when they travel the world, serve in the military, encounter hard situations and trauma, and the process of healing in heart, mind and soul. We focus on the growth of the whole family and it's related relationships, in an applied anthropology and cognitive behavioral approach.

Support comes locally to each establishment, through corporate sponsors, grants, individuals, churches and like-minded organizations to further the compassion and fortify the families of our veterans.

Measureables include: Decreased suiciadal ideations, attempts, and lower success rate of suicide. Lower divorce and separate rates among participants. Student academic accelerations or steady growth. Financial stability of the household, independence in monthly needs with an annual savings plan. Relationshipnstability of the main guardians of the home, with skills for child rearing and family dynamics. Overall, a sense of belonging and security in program participants.
